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Virginia's Family Attorney

Stephen Kennedy

Attorney Stephen H. Kennedy, Jr. is a native of Lynchburg, Virginia, having graduated from E.C. Glass High School. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree, Cum Laude, from Virginia Tech, and received his Juris Doctor from the Appalachian School of Law in 2007. From 2007 to 2024 Stephen built his own private practice, serving thousands of clients with a myriad of issues–eventually narrowing his practice to the areas of family law and real estate litigation.

Going through a divorce does not have to be merely a time of turmoil and uncertainty. With Stephen Kennedy counseling you through the process, it can ultimately lay the foundation for a successful new chapter in your life

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Virginia's Family Attorney

Stephen Kennedy

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Virginia's Family Attorney

Stephen Kennedy

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[nectar_single_testimonial testimonial_style=”bold” color=”Default” quote=”This Lawyer Faught Ethically and hard for me. Was quick in his work and told it to me straight. Good Guy. Thank you Stephen Kennedy for everything you’ve done for me.” name=”- T.R.”]

One of six children, Stephen’s parents divorced when he was 12. Stephen knows first hand the impacts of divorce on children and families, and he knows how to lessen the negative impact on all family members through collaborative efforts. In fact, Stephen himself is divorced from his first wife, and he and his ex-wife used the experience of his own parent’s divorce to achieve a family-centered outcome.

A member of the Virginia State Bar, Stephen is admitted to practice before all courts in the Commonwealth of Virginia. He is also admitted to practice before the United States District Court and the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Virginia.

He is a member of the Roanoke Bar Association and the Family Law Section of the Virginia Bar Association.

Stephen is active in the community, participating in the Barrister Book Buddy program and the Rule of Law Project, and he serves on the Board of Trustees for REACH, a local non-profit organization dedicated to the people of Southeast Roanoke, and the greater Roanoke area.

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