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Virginia's Family Attorney

Thomas Ashton

Making critical, life-altering decisions through the haze of emotional turmoil is exhausting.

Even though I witnessed my parents’ separation and divorce as a child, and had represented clients in hundreds of divorce and custody cases over more than a decade of practice, my world was still rocked when my marriage broke down. Making even the smallest decisions became difficult.

My experience has only driven me to work even harder for my clients – to provide the guidance, assistance, and knowledge they need to take control of their situation and make decisions that will get them through the tremendous upheaval in their lives.

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Virginia's Family Attorney

Thomas Ashton

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Virginia's Family Attorney

Thomas Ashton

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[nectar_single_testimonial testimonial_style=”bold” color=”Default” quote=”Tom went above and beyond for us and dug us out of a really awful situation. I couldn’t be more appreciative of his help.” name=”- Erika J.”]

Making critical, life-altering decisions through the haze of emotional turmoil is exhausting.

Even though I witnessed my parents’ separation and divorce as a child, and had represented clients in hundreds of divorce and custody cases over more than a decade of practice, my world was still rocked when my marriage broke down. Making even the smallest decisions became difficult.

My experience has only driven me to work even harder for my clients – to provide the guidance, assistance, and knowledge they need to take control of their situation and make decisions that will get them through the tremendous upheaval in their lives.

Family law has significantly affected my life almost from the beginning, and from an early age, I knew that I wanted to help people navigate this extremely complex and consequential period of their lives.

Over my career, I’ve seen countless family law cases. I regularly meet folks at their lower point and have to help provide them with their best direction.

While in law school, I saw hundreds of custody, support, juvenile and domestic criminal cases. After graduating, part of my practice at my first job was handling much of the firm’s family law docket.

I quickly learned that one of the best ways to help my clients prepare for their divorce cases was to encourage them to align their thoughts, words, and deeds to the strategy that will accomplish their goals – then prepare from day 1 to meet those objectives.

But going through a divorce and custody negotiations myself really opened my eyes to the emotional, financial and logistical struggles of a divorcing parent.

At the end of the day, my goal is to reduce my clients’ fear of the unknown and remove some of the mental “clutter” of unanswered legal and procedural questions.

For most folks, having a plan in place helps improve their decision-making and makes the whole process less unpleasant.

Sometimes that’s through a prenuptial agreement. Sometimes it’s through a custody agreement. And sometimes it’s through a traditional divorce.

If I can help my clients save a little time, money and heartache on their way to rebuilding their lives, I know I’ve done my job.

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Licensing and certificates


Accolades and major cases

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…and counting
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