Many people never get around to preparing a will. They may think that it is too costly, they do not have enough property to justify a will, or that they can put it off because they are too young to be thinking about death. However, death is often unexpected, and the importance of having a concrete and well-drafted will cannot be stressed enough.
In Virginia, making a will is one of the most important things that you can do for your loved ones. A will provides you with the flexibility to distribute your property as you wish.
Power of Attorney
A healthy, competent adult can handle his or her own financial and business affairs. However, a life-changing event can make that impossible.
Have you considered who will manage your affairs if you have an accident, develop dementia, have a stroke? Will someone be able to act in your stead if you take a trip out of the country? If you cannot take care of your financial or medical needs, someone will need to act for you to pay your bills, interact with your bank, make financial and/or medical decisions, or complete other tasks.
Advanced Medical Directives
An advance medical directive is a legal document that allows a person to state what they want for their own medical care if they are unable to make decisions for themselves due to incapacity.
In Virginia, advance medical directives are authorized under the Virginia Health Care Decisions Act.
We help individuals and families plan for the future. Wills, Powers of Attorney, Advanced Medical Directives, Trusts & Guardianships.
Many people never get around to preparing a will. They may think that it is too costly, they do not have enough property to justify a will, or that they can put it off because they are too young to be thinking about death. However, death is often unexpected, and the importance of having a concrete and well-drafted will cannot be stressed enough.
In Virginia, making a will is one of the most important things that you can do for your loved ones. A will provides you with the flexibility to distribute your property as you wish.
Power of Attorney
A healthy, competent adult can handle his or her own financial and business affairs. However, a life-changing event can make that impossible.
Have you considered who will manage your affairs if you have an accident, develop dementia, have a stroke? Will someone be able to act in your stead if you take a trip out of the country? If you cannot take care of your financial or medical needs, someone will need to act for you to pay your bills, interact with your bank, make financial and/or medical decisions, or complete other tasks.
Advanced Medical Directives
An advance medical directive is a legal document that allows a person to state what they want for their own medical care if they are unable to make decisions for themselves due to incapacity.
In Virginia, advance medical directives are authorized under the Virginia Health Care Decisions Act.