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Some of the most difficult and emotionally heavy issues during a divorce or separation have to do with child custody and visitation schedules.

If you and your spouse cannot agree on terms for child custody or visitation, your parenting schedule will be decided by a judge. The judge will attempt to make a decision based on the best interests of the child.

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Child Support

Child support cases in Virginia can be difficult to navigate if you don’t have a skilled and experienced legal team behind you. While child support is often based on a “guideline” calculation, there are often a number of different ways to calculate what counts and doesn’t count in the calculation. Courts can also “deviate” from the calculation. It’s important to remember that child support is intended to make sure the financial interest of the child are not affected should their parent decide to part ways. That’s why Slovensky Law is here to protect both your rights and the best interests of the child.

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Whether you are looking to build your family through adoption, are placing a child for adoption, or are dealing with legal issues related to an upcoming, ongoing or already completed adoption, Slovensky Law provides compassionate, high-quality legal representation to individuals involved in every aspect of the adoption process.

Adoption procedures can be confusing both for the biological parents and the adoptive parents. All parties to an adoption case should be informed about their rights, how the adoption system works, and how best to keep the child’s best interests protected.

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An adult guardianship or conservatorship is created when a Virginia circuit court determines that a person is unable to manage his or her own personal or financial affairs and appoints a guardian and/or conservator for that person.

When a special needs child turns 17 and a six months old, a parent can also file for guardianship of that child.

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Some of the most difficult and emotionally heavy issues during a divorce or separation have to do with child custody and visitation schedules.

If you and your spouse cannot agree on terms for child custody or visitation, your parenting schedule will be decided by a judge. The judge will attempt to make a decision based on the best interests of the child.

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Child Support

Child support cases in Virginia can be difficult to navigate if you don’t have a skilled and experienced legal team behind you. While child support is often based on a “guideline” calculation, there are often a number of different ways to calculate what counts and doesn’t count in the calculation. Courts can also “deviate” from the calculation. It’s important to remember that child support is intended to make sure the financial interest of the child are not affected should their parent decide to part ways. That’s why Slovensky Law is here to protect both your rights and the best interests of the child.

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Whether you are looking to build your family through adoption, are placing a child for adoption, or are dealing with legal issues related to an upcoming, ongoing or already completed adoption, Slovensky Law provides compassionate, high-quality legal representation to individuals involved in every aspect of the adoption process.

Adoption procedures can be confusing both for the biological parents and the adoptive parents. All parties to an adoption case should be informed about their rights, how the adoption system works, and how best to keep the child’s best interests protected.

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An adult guardianship or conservatorship is created when a Virginia circuit court determines that a person is unable to manage his or her own personal or financial affairs and appoints a guardian and/or conservator for that person.

When a special needs child turns 17 and a six months old, a parent can also file for guardianship of that child.

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Family law cases in Virginia can be difficult to navigate if you don’t have a skilled and experienced legal team behind you.

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